I love technology, but I don’t always like the complexity that accompanies it. Apple realized there are millions of others like me and that is why they have invested billions in making their devices simple to use. People like simple because simple works. As God continues to build His Church here at Freshwater, it is important that we keep it simple because simple works. As we have continued to grow the temptation is to add more and more ministries pressing for more and more involvement and more and more leaders. This adds exponential complexity and challenges. Simply put, we stand the chance of drifting from our primary mission. Our mission is to make disciples, period. We do that by reaching people for Christ and providing opportunities for transformation. Transformation and outreach is what the Gospel is all about. We believe that when Jesus is transforming a person, they begin to develop a heart for their friends, co-workers, family and neighbors. It’s that simple.
The challenge is with services to go to, ministries to be involved with, groups to participate in, and serving opportunities here and overseas, what will bring transformation and cause people to reach at least to other people who are spiritually seeking? Is there a way for us to simplify it for every single person at Freshwater? Is there a way to know if we are prioritizing the right things? Are there overlapping elements in all of our ministries that we can identify helping us to keep it simple? The answer is YES! There are three easily identifiable elements that seem to bring the greatest amount of transformation in peoples’ lives. We call them “The Big 3.” The Big 3 are: Attend on the weekend, participate in a group, and serve others. They are all equally important and when a person is involved in all three, that person will be more likely to grow in their faith and thereby care more. It’s just that simple. Let me remind you that The Big 3 essentials will bring the greatest strength to your faith (participating in a group), the greatest blessing to your faith (serving others) and the greatest stirring in your faith (weekly worship-attending on the weekend). I pray that God continues to allow us to experience greater influence for the Kingdom of God. I also hope that each one of us takes personal responsibility for our growth and influence. I believe more than ever that it will come by engaging with these three essentials we call The Big 3. Our desire it to be real, relevant, and relational in all that we do. And by keeping it simple, we will be able to continue to do this for a long time to come.
J.S. Smith
2/13/2015 08:23:32 am
Great stuff, John. "Simplicity is Beautiful," - Juliana Hatfield
Suzie Severson
2/13/2015 11:01:13 am
Thank you Pastor John, Yes, keeping it simple, the big 3. I know I've told you a few times but I want to say it again, I appreciate your leadership and I very much appreciate that you keep us grounded in God's Word.
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January 2025