Is Celebrate Recovery for me?
That is a great question. You may have heard about Celebrate Recovery during one of the services at Freshwater. The big question continues to be, “Is Celebrate Recovery for me?” I want to tell you more about this ministry so you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s for you. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery ministry. It is a safe place for great people to address their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Let me describe those hurts, habits and hang-ups a little more to give you a better picture of what I am talking about. Most often, a hurt, habit or hang-up can be defined as anything that keeps you from realizing your full potential as a person. When someone is affected by hurts, habits and hang-ups they can get derailed off of God’s plan and thrown into a world of pain, destruction, and despair. So what is a Hurt? “Hurt” can be classified as any life experience that may have had a significant impact on one’s heart and/or mind. Something that has tampered your ability to deal with life in a healthy way. Something that may have twisted your view of yourself, God, or others. Some examples of hurt might include: • Abandonment • Abortion • Abuse as a child, or by a spouse, employer, or the church • Adoption • Betrayal • Dysfunctional family (divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse, rage, etc.) • Neglect • Rape • Rejection So what is a Habit? “Habits” tend to be unhealthy patterns that often start as a perceived “remedy” for some problem in your life, but end up turning into a chronic bad behavior or addiction. Habits are the repeat, default scripts you run to when the going gets tough. They are your grooved plays that continually lead to trouble in your life. Some common habits are: • Abusive behavior • Alcohol • Bitterness • Cheating, affairs, unmarried sex • Critical spirit • Drugs • Eating disorders • Gambling • Gossip • Homosexuality • Isolation • Lying • Self-mutilation • Sex addictions • Spending problems • Stealing • Refusing forgiveness • Wasteful pursuits • Workaholics What is a Hang-up? “Hang-ups” are road blocks that keep you from progressing further in God’s plan for your life. They are often shaped by false realities you may have experienced as a child, or an unhealthy attitude you may have adopted as a means of coping with life’s challenges. Here are some common hang-ups we work through during our 12-step Celebrate Recovery process at Freshwater: • Anger • Anxiety, worry • Arrogance • Body image problems • Bullying, bigotry • Codependency • Control • Depression • Fear • Frigidity • Greed, envy • Guilt and/or shame • Impatience • Lack of self-control • Lack of trust in God • Laziness • Materialism • People pleasing • Perfectionism • Pride • Procrastination • Racism • Self-righteousness • Self-condemnation Now, is Celebrate Recovery for you? If you have identified with one or more of the issues listed and feel that you are stuck in that area, Celebrate Recovery is for you. Celebrate Recovery was developed to help people identify these areas of struggles in their lives and then provides tools to break free and begin living in the fullness, and freedom that God designed for you. I challenge you to give Celebrate Recovery a try. You will be a better person for it. You are invited to come any Thursday night at 7pm at the St. Boni campus. Come see how you can find freedom from your hurts habits, and hang-ups. You don’t have to live in your sadness, shame, or despair! Join us every Thursday as we grow, and heal together. Our doors open at 7 o'clock for snacks and hangout. We wrap up by 8:30. God bless you, and see you soon!
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January 2025