Part 6 of 6
Freshwater is one church with multiple locations committed to making disciples in a healthy church environment. This blog is the sixth entry in a series of blogs focused on clarifying the vision culture at Freshwater. My goal is to bring absolute clarity to who Freshwater is, why we exist, where we are going, and how we are going to get there. If you missed any blogs in this series, go back and read the parts you missed. Freshwater’s vision culture stems from six different sources that are aligned to support the goal of making disciples. These sources stem from the following questions:
Part 5 of 6
This blog is the fifth entry in a series of blogs focused on clarifying the vision culture at Freshwater. My goal is to bring absolute clarity to who Freshwater is, why we exist, where we are going, and how we are going to get there. If you need to catch up, go back and read the last several blogs with similar titles. Freshwater’s vision culture stems from six different sources that are aligned to support the goal of making disciples. These sources stem from the following questions: |