The human body has multiple systems in operation at any given time. These systems work together enabling a human being to live. The circulatory system is the bodies transport system. The heart pumps blood through the arteries and veins to nourish power everything. The digestive system breaks down food into protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fats turning it into energy enabling tissue growth and repair. The immune system is our body's defense system against infections and diseases. Organs, tissues, cells, and cell products work together to respond to dangerous organisms (like viruses or bacteria) and substances that may enter the body from the environment.
Church systems are similar to the systems found in the human body. Every church has them and needs them in order for the church body to function correctly. As a church grows, the systems that sustain it must grow with it. These systems must be created, implemented, managed, and evaluated in a strategic manner. At Freshwater, we are constantly monitoring our systems and evaluating them in order to ensure they are functioning properly.
November 2017
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