There are times when I get discouraged, thinking I should be farther ahead in my Christian life than I am. Sometimes I become frustrated because I need to be patient and hold my tongue, yet I say things I wish I never would have said. However, my new hobby has reminded me that I am a work in progress, and sometimes that progress takes a while.
In the ancient world, Pharisees were powerful religious and political leaders. If you were to walk through any ancient city where Jews resided, you would have seen Pharisees, especially in Jerusalem because of the temple. They would have been found conversing with one another on the street corners and at popular social gathering places in every city. They were easily identified by their dress and daily habits. Their white robes, enlarged embroidered border, a pointed turban, and mantle (the outer garment worn as a covering and also used at night as a blanket) clearly distinguished them.
In every western movie he’s ever been in, Clint Eastwood’s character always displays grit because, regardless of the obstacle he faces, he always overcomes it. People with grit get it done. They have the tenacity to climb every mountain and swim across every sea just to get the job done. Last week I talked about this in my message (You can listen to it at, 3 May 2014, The Good, the Bad, the Ugly: True Grit). Dr. Angela Duckworth defines grit as “passion and perseverance to achieve long term goals.” Grit is courage. Grit is determination. Grit is overcoming the obstacles. People with grit get it done. Do you have the grit to get it done?